29 research outputs found

    Exploring Technical Phrase Frames from Research Paper Titles

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    This paper proposes a method for exploring technical phrase frames by extracting word n-grams that match our information needs and interests from research paper titles. Technical phrase frames, the outcome of our method, are phrases with wildcards that may be substituted for any technical term. Our method, first of all, extracts word trigrams from research paper titles and constructs a co-occurrence graph of the trigrams. Even by simply applying Page Rank algorithm to the co-occurrence graph, we obtain the trigrams that can be regarded as technical key phrases at the higher ranks in terms of Page Rank score. In contrast, our method assigns weights to the edges of the co-occurrence graph based on Jaccard similarity between trigrams and then apply weighted Page Rank algorithm. Consequently, we obtain widely different but more interesting results. While the top-ranked trigrams obtained by unweighted Page Rank have just a self-contained meaning, those obtained by our method are technical phrase frames, i.e., A word sequence that forms a complete technical phrase only after putting a technical word (or words) before or/and after it. We claim that our method is a useful tool for discovering important phrase logical patterns, which can expand query keywords for improving information retrieval performance and can also work as candidate phrasings in technical writing to make our research papers attractive.29th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, WAINA 2015; Gwangju; South Korea; 25 March 2015 through 27 March 201

    Trimming Prototypes of Handwritten Digit Images with Subset Infinite Relational Model

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    We propose a new probabilistic model for constructing efficient prototypes of handwritten digit images. We assume that all digit images are of the same size and obtain one color histogram for each pixel by counting the number of occurrences of each color over multiple images. For example, when we conduct the counting over the images of digit "5", we obtain a set of histograms as a prototype of digit "5". After normalizing each histogram to a probability distribution, we can classify an unknown digit image by multiplying probabilities of the colors appearing at each pixel of the unknown image. We regard this method as the baseline and compare it with a method using our probabilistic model called Multinomialized Subset Infinite Relational Model (MSIRM), which gives a prototype, where color histograms are clustered column- and row-wise. The number of clusters is adjusted flexibly with Chinese restaurant process. Further, MSIRM can detect irrelevant columns and rows. An experiment, comparing our method with the baseline and also with a method using Dirichlet process mixture, revealed that MSIRM could neatly detect irrelevant columns and rows at peripheral part of digit images. That is, MSIRM could "trim" irrelevant part. By utilizing this trimming, we could speed up classification of unknown images.FTRA 7th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, MUE 2013; Seoul; South Korea; 9 May 2013 through 11 May 201

    Explaining prices by linking data: A pilot study on spatial regression analysis of apartment rents

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    This paper reports a pilot study where we link different types of data for explaining prices. In this study, we link the apartment rent data with the publicly accessible location data of landmarks like supermarkets, hospitals, etc. We apply the regression analysis to find the most important factor determining the apartment rents. We claim that the results of this type of spatial data mining can enhance the user experience in the apartment search system, because we can indicate a rationale behind pricing as additional information to users and thus can make them more confident in their choices.2014 IEEE 3rd Global Conference on Consumer Electronics, GCCE 2014; Tokyo; Japan; 7 October 2014 through 10 October 201

    A Revised Inference for Correlated Topic Model

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    In this paper, we provide a revised inference for correlated topic model (CTM) [3]. CTM is proposed by Blei et al. for modeling correlations among latent topics more expressively than latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [2] and has been attracting attention of researchers. However, we have found that the variational inference of the original paper is unstable due to almost-singularity of the covariance matrix when the number of topics is large. This means that we may be reluctant to use CTM for analyzing a large document set, which may cover a rich diversity of topics. Therefore, we revise the inference and improve its quality. First, we modify the formula for updating the covariance matrix in a manner that enables us to recover the original inference by adjusting a parameter. Second, we regularize posterior parameters for reducing a side effect caused by the formula modification. While our method is based on a heuristic intuition, an experiment conducted on large document sets showed that it worked effectively in terms of perplexity.10th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2013; Dalian; China; 4 July 2013 through 6 July 201

    Unmixed spectrum clustering for template composition in lung sound classification

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    In this paper, we propose a method for composing templates of lung sound classification. First, we obtain a sequence of power spectra by FFT for each given lung sound and compute a small number of component spectra by ICA for each of the overlapping sets of tens of consecutive power spectra. Second, we put component spectra obtained from various lung sounds into a single set and conduct clustering a large number of times. When component spectra belong to the same cluster in all clustering results, these spectra show robust similarity. Therefore, we can use such spectra to compose a template of lung sound classification.Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 12th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2008 Osaka, Japan, May 20-23, 2008 Proceeding

    Unsupervised segmentation of bibliographic elements with latent permutations

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    This paper introduces a novel approach for large-scale unsupervised segmentation of bibliographic elements. Our problem is to segment a word token sequence representing a citation into subsequences each corresponding to a different bibliographic element, e.g. authors, paper title, journal name, publication year, etc. Obviously, each bibliographic element should be represented by contiguous word tokens. We call this constraint contiguity constraint. Therefore, we should infer a sequence of assignments of word tokens to bibliographic elements so that this constraint is satisfied. Many HMM-based methods solve this problem by prescribing fixed transition patterns among bibliographic elements. In this paper, we use generalized Mallows models (GMM) in a Bayesian multi-topic model, effectively applied to document structure learning by Chen et al. [4], and infer a permutation of latent topics each of which can be interpreted as one among the bibliographic elements. According to the inferred permutation, we arrange the order of the draws from a multinomial distribution defined over topics. In this manner, we can obtain an ordered sequence of topic assignments satisfying contiguity constraint. We do not need to prescribe any transition patterns among bibliographic elements. We only need to specify the number of bibliographic elements. However, the method proposed by Chen et al. works for our problem only after introducing modification. The main contribution of this paper is to propose strategies to make their method work also for our problem.Workshops on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2010: 1st International Symposium on Web Intelligent Systems and Services, WISS 2010, 2nd International Workshop on Mobile Business Collaboration, MBC 2010 and 1st Int. Workshop on CISE 2010; Hong Kong; 12 December 2010 through 14 December 2010; Code 8680

    Steering time-dependent estimation of posteriors with hyperparameter indexing in Bayesian topic models

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    This paper provides a new approach to topical trend analysis. Our aim is to improve the generalization power of latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) by using document timestamps. Many previous works model topical trends by making latent topic distributions time-dependent. We propose a straightforward approach by preparing a different word multinomial distribution for each time point. Since this approach increases the number of parameters, overfitting becomes a critical issue. Our contribution to this issue is two-fold. First, we propose an effective way of defining Dirichlet priors over the word multinomials. Second, we propose a special scheduling of variational Bayesian (VB) inference. Comprehensive experiments with six datasets prove that our approach can improve LDA and also Topics over Time, a well-known variant of LDA, in terms of test data perplexity in the framework of VB inference

    Bag of Timestamps: A Simple and Efficient Bayesian Chronological Mining

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    In this paper, we propose a new probabilistic model, Bag of Timestamps (BoT), for chronological text mining. BoT is an extension of latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), and has two remarkable features when compared with a previously proposed Topics over Time (ToT), which is also an extension of LDA. First, we can avoid overfitting to temporal data, because temporal data are modeled in a Bayesian manner similar to word frequencies. Second, BoT has a conditional probability where no functions requiring time-consuming computations appear. The experiments using newswire documents show that BoT achieves more moderate fitting to temporal data in shorter execution time than ToT.Advances in Data and Web Management. Joint International Conferences, APWeb/WAIM 2009 Suzhou, China, April 2-4, 2009 Proceeding

    Modeling topical trends over continuous time with priors

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for topical trend analysis. We model topical trends by per-topic Beta distributions as in Topics over Time (TOT), proposed as an extension of latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). However, TOT is likely to overfit to timestamp data in extracting latent topics. Therefore, we apply prior distributions to Beta distributions in TOT. Since Beta distribution has no conjugate prior, we devise a trick, where we set one among the two parameters of each per-topic Beta distribution to one based on a Bernoulli trial and apply Gamma distribution as a conjugate prior. Consequently, we can marginalize out the parameters of Beta distributions and thus treat timestamp data in a Bayesian fashion. In the evaluation experiment, we compare our method with LDA and TOT in link detection task on TDT4 dataset. We use word predictive probabilities as term weights and estimate document similarities by using those weights in a TFIDF-like scheme. The results show that our method achieves a moderate fitting to timestamp data.Advances in Neural Networks - ISNN 2010 : 7th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2010, Shanghai, China, June 6-9, 2010, Proceedings, Part IIThe original publication is available at www.springerlink.co

    Dynamic hyperparameter optimization for bayesian topical trend analysis

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    This paper presents a new Bayesian topical trend analysis. We regard the parameters of topic Dirichlet priors in latent Dirichlet allocation as a function of document timestamps and optimize the parameters by a gradient-based algorithm. Since our method gives similar hyperparameters to the documents having similar timestamps, topic assignment in collapsed Gibbs sampling is affected by timestamp similarities. We compute TFIDF-based document similarities by using a result of collapsed Gibbs sampling and evaluate our proposal by link detection task of Topic Detection and Tracking.Proceeding of the 18th ACM conference : Hong Kong, China, 2009.11.02-2009.11.0